Shuai Yang

Ph.D. student
Artificial Intelligence Thrust, Information Hub
The Hong Kong Univerisity of Science and Technology (Guangzhou)

shuaiyang5000 [at] gmail [dot] com
syang252 [at] connect [dot] hkust-gz [dot] edu [dot] cn

[Google Scholar]   [GitHub]  


Hello! I am currently a PhD student (since 2022) at the AI Thrust, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou), under the guidance of Dr. Yingcong Chen. My research interests are in deep learning and computer vision, with a particular focus on efficient deep learning and generative models. I have also had the privilege of working closely with Dr. Yukang Chen.

Previously, I earned my Bachelor's degree from the School of Computer Science and Engineering at Beihang University (BUAA).

Publications [Google Scholar]

*: Equal Contribution

SEED-Story: Multimodal Long Story Generation with Large Language Model
Shuai Yang, Yuying Ge, Yang Li, Yukang Chen, Yixiao Ge, Ying Shan, Yingcong Chen.

arxiv preprint.
[Paper] [Model] [Data] [Code]GitHub stars

Defect Spectrum: A Granular Look of Large-Scale Defect Datasets with Rich Semantics
Shuai Yang*, Zhifei Chen*, Pengguang Chen, Xi Fang, Shu Liu, Yingcong Chen.

European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 2024.
[Paper] [Project Page] [Data] [Code]GitHub stars

Low-Rank Approximation for Sparse Attention in Multi-Modal LLMs
Lin Song, Yukang Chen, Shuai Yang, Xiaohan Ding, Yixiao Ge, Yingcong Chen, Ying Shan.
IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2024.

Denoising Diffusion Step-aware Models
Shuai Yang, Yukang Chen, Luozhou Wang, Shu Liu, Yingcong Chen.

International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR) 2024.
[Paper] [Code]GitHub stars

Not All Steps are Created Equal: Selective Diffusion Distillation for Image Manipulation
Luozhou Wang*, Shuai Yang*, Shu Liu, Yingcong Chen

IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2023
[Paper] [Code]GitHub stars


Honors & Awards

Postgraduate Scholarship, HKUST(GZ) 2022 - 2026
1st place on the challenge of the Third Workshop on Neural Architecture Search (NAS), CVPR2022 2022
Distinguished Graduate, School of Computer Science and Engineering, BUAA 2020
Undergraduate Research Scholarship, BUAA 2019

Academic Services

Conference Reviewer:


AIAA5023 Introduction to Computer Vision, HKUST(GZ)2023-2024
AIAA5045 Medical Imaging, HKUST(GZ)2023-2024
Principles of Computer Composition, BUAA2018-2019
C Programing, BUAA2017-2018

Personal Interests

© Shuai Yang | Last updated: Jul. 2024